Do you have a story in your heart that you want to share?
Defence stories is a new series that explores the lives and experiences of Australia’s veteran and defence communities. We are interested in hearing from people with a variety of lived experiences, whether currently serving in the Defence force, former members, or family members and support people.
From enlisting in the Australian Defence Force, to the personal challenges involved in training, to assisting someone during recent floods or life after the uniform, transition from defence force and challenges faced during this time. Your personal experiences will take readers through your lived experiences, providing understanding, encouragement and hope to others.
If you share another person’s story, such as a family member, friend or colleague, we encourage you to seek their permission before doing so. We will not publish submissions sharing the story of another living person without that person’s consent.
Please share your story with word limit of 300-350 words, which will then be reviewed by our editor for publication on our quarterly newsletter and available on our website. We aim to publish all shared stories, however, some stories may not be able to be posted due to the nature of the content.
You can email your story at: dsh@dva.gov.au with your name and contact details enlisted in case we would like to get in touch for clarifications.