Applying for essential repairs
Please note that the Defence Service Homes Lending scheme has been superseded by the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme. Unless you served in the defence forces prior to 15 May 1985 (or in Namibia) this information may not be relevant to you. More information is available on the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme website.
Your guide
Eligible people with a current Flexi First Veteran Loan (previously known as a Defence Service Homes – DSH Loan) can apply for assistance when suffering financial hardship. Advances can be considered for work that is essential to keep your home in good order and repair.
Loan amounts are usually sufficient to cover the cost of necessary work. The interest rate for essential repairs advances is at the standard Flexi First Veteran Loan interest rate capped at 3.75 per cent a year. The loan is usually repaid over 25 years or the remaining term of the original loan.
Note: if you are not or will not be the registered proprietor of the property (for example, a retirement village unit or granny flat) please note information about also applying for a Certificate of Assignment in addition to a Certificate of Entitlement.
- Go to the Assignment Information page.
- Obtain an Application for a Certificate of Assignment
- Obtain an Application for Essential Repairs Advance.
All relevant questions on the Application for Widow/widower Advance; Essential Repair Advance; Instalment Relief should be answered and the form must be signed. Incomplete answers may delay processing of your application.
Section 3
Weekly income, Section 4 - Assets and Section 5 - Financial commitments
These sections help Defence Service Homes to assess whether your application meets the relevant hardship provisions.
Section 6
Essential repairs
Works that are essential to keep your home in good order and repair are considered. Modifications or renovations, such as a new kitchen or bathroom, cannot be financed unless you can provide evidence that the existing facilities need replacement.
If you have not already borrowed the maximum initial loan of $25 000, an additional advance may be available to meet the cost of other modifications or renovations. There is a different application form for an Additional Advance, and it is not subject to the hardship provisions.
Section 9
When lodging the application, please include your preferred quote for the repairs. We will contact you later if there are any further requirements.
If your application is approved we will send you a certificate of entitlement. You will then need to apply to Westpac Banking Corporation for the loan. The bank will determine whether you meet lending criteria before making the loan, and will advise you of its security requirements. It may require further security documents (such as a new mortgage) which may incur fees. There is no establishment fee for an essential repairs advance.
Additional fees and charges may apply to Defence Service Homes loans or Westpac loans. Terms and conditions for all types of loans are available on application to the bank.