General Insurance Code of Practice
DSH Insurance is a signatory to the General Insurance Code of Practice. The Code of Practice sets standards for insurers that cover, complaints, customers experiencing financial hardship, buying and renewing insurance, making a claim and customers experiencing vulnerability.
The Code Governance Committee is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code.
Should you require further information on the General Insurance Code of Practice or the Code Governance Committee go to Code of Practice - Insurance Council of Australia
Handling your complaint
To maintain our commitment to the General Insurance Code of Practice and provide quality service, Defence Service Homes Insurance Scheme (DSHIS) treats all complaints seriously.
We understand that at times, you may not be satisfied with our services and products or you do not agree with decisions we make in relation to your insurance and the way we deliver them may not always meet your expectations.
Once you have raised your complaint with us, we will work with you to find a fair resolution. This may take time depending on the nature of your complaint, but we will proactively keep you updated throughout the process as we work through your complaint.
Our complaint process has 3 key stages as described below:
Stage 1—Talk to us first
If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service (complaint) or disagree with a decision we have made (dispute), please contact us to discuss the matter, and we may be able to resolve the issue promptly for you. If this is not possible, you will be referred to a senior staff member who will address your concerns and acknowledge your complaint/dispute within one business day.
We will provide the name and relevant contact details of the senior staff member who will be handling your complaint/dispute. We will keep you informed of the progress of your claim at least every 10-business days. In most cases, we will resolve the matter within 15 business days. If the matter requires further investigation, we will agree to a new timeframe with you. If an agreement cannot be reached, we will notify you of your right to take your complaint to the next stage and provide a response in writing.
Stage 2—Have your complaint reviewed
If your complaint cannot be resolved within the agreed timeframe, or if you are not happy with the result from Stage One review, you can contact our Internal Dispute Resolution team who’ll arrange for a review in accordance with our internal dispute resolution process.
The Internal Dispute Resolution representative will contact you to acknowledge your complaint/dispute, and keep you informed of the progress usually every 10-business days. The Internal Dispute representative will try to resolve your complaint/dispute within 15 business days. However, if further information or investigation is required, they will agree on a reasonable timeframe with you. The Internal Dispute Resolution representative will respond to your complaint/dispute in writing.
For more information contact:
Defence Service Homes Insurance
Internal Dispute Resolution Team
Email: dsh@dva.gov.au
Post: GPO Box 9998 Brisbane QLD 4001
External dispute resolution
AFCA will not accept a complaint/dispute unless you have first tried to resolve it with us (Stages 1 and 2). If you disagree with our Stage Two decision or 30 business days have passed since you first told us about your complaint/dispute and have not heard back from us, you may then refer it to AFCA.
AFCA provides a free, independent external resolution service to consumers for most general insurance complaint/disputes. If you accept any decision made by AFCA, we will be bound by that decision. You are not bound by the AFCA decision. You may seek resolution elsewhere, if required. In most cases, you have two years to lodge a dispute with AFCA from the date of our final response to your complaint/dispute.
AFCA can be contacted on: