Name Claim number How did you notify DSH Insurance of your claim? - None -PhoneEmailFaxLetterOther How soon did you receive a response from DSH Insurance? - None -ImmediatelyWithin a few hoursWithin 24 hoursWithin 48 hoursMore than 48 hours Fieldset 1 If a DSH Insurance representative inspected your home, how happy were you with their work including their professionalism, timeliness, communication and action taken? - None -HappyNeutralUnhappyVery unhappyN/A Comments Given the nature of the damage, my claim was finalised: - None -Very QuicklyQuicklyAs expectedA little slowlyVery Slowly The damage was repaired by: - None -A repairer appointed by DSHISA veterans' Home Maintenance Line (VHML) repairerA repairer I chose myselfI received cash and/or repaired the damage myself Fieldset 2 If a repairer was appointed by DSH Insurance , were you happy with their service, timeliness and workmanship? - None -Very happyHappyNeutralUnhappyVery unhappy Comments How happy are you with the way your claim was handled and the final outcome? - None -Very happyHappyNeutralUnhappyVery unhappy DSHIS values your feedback. We would appreciate any information you are able to provide to enable us to improve our service.